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Packing and unpacking are important concepts in c#. The c# type system contains three kinds of data: value types (int, char, etc.), Reference types (commodity, and pointer types. Almost, boxing converts a value type variable into a variable of a reference kind, while unboxing does the opposite. Boxing and unboxing provide a single display of product types, in which the definition of almost any type is considered as an object. .E) into a reference type variable (object) is called boxing.- Boxing is an implicit conversion process where the cargo type (supertype) stands.- Value type variables are always present in the life of the stack, and reference type variables are present in the life heaps.Example:description: first we declare a variable of value type num of type int and initialize it with value 23. Now football transparent png renders we style variable of reference type obj of type object and assign num to it.This assignment implicitly leads to the fact that a variable of type the num value will be copied and stored in the variable obj of the reference variety, as shown in the picture below:box
. Program code:csharp
Unpacking in c#
. The process of converting a reference character variable into a value type variable is called unboxing.- This is an explicit conversion process.Example:description: we declare a value type variable num, which is of type int, and assign it an integer the value is 23. Now we produce a variable obj of the object type reference type, we put the num variable into it. We are now wrapping an integer of value type i to unpack the value from obj. The redemption is done using the cast method, where we explicitly state that obj must be cast to int level.

投稿者: inipis 投稿日時: 2023-1-16 9:18



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